This year’s installment of American Horror Story divides the season in half in order to tell two separate stories–hence the “Double Feature” subtitle. Now in Season 10, splitting American Horror Story into two parts seemed a bit bizarre, but as we come towards the close of part one, it’s the smartest decision the show could have made.

Most seasons of American Horror Story hit a bump in the road halfway through as characters get lost or new ideas/concepts are introduced late in the game. In Season 6–Roanoke–American Horror Story flipped the script by having the people who were dramatically reenacting the events on the TV show within a TV show, My Roanoke Nightmare, spend three days in the actual Roanoke haunted house. The final two episodes of the season revolved around fans of the My Roanoke Nightmare TV show and three other TV docuseries visiting the house. Yes, it’s that bizarre and convoluted. While the concept of Season 6 of American Horror Story was brilliant, it was apparent that the story lost a lot of steam.